Whether you are planning on buying a dog anytime soon, or are already an owner who is faced with a badly behaved Pooch, you have to realize that having a dog entails a lot of responsibility. One of the very first things you have to take care of once you bring a dog home is setting up an effective obedience training program. Dog obedience training is essential in making sure that your puppy grows up into a well-behaved dog. It is also a very good way of creating a lifelong bond with your pet. Here are some foundational dog obedience tips to get you started.
Positive Reinforcement Is Key
While you may think that punishing a dog for bad behavior is a good way to let him know who’s in charge, this isn’t actually the case. In fact, dogs never respond well to negative reinforcement such as yelling and physical punishment. Choosing positive over negative reinforcement at all times is one of the best dog obedience tips you should keep in mind. By using negative reinforcement, you will only succeed in pushing your dog away and losing his trust.
Dogs Use Instinct Not Logic
Dog obedience training is all about instinct, not logic. Dogs naturally work on instinct, so you have to train them in a way that makes use of their instincts. One of the most effective dog obedience tips relating to this fact is to make sure that you do not treat your dogs like human beings or expect them to think rationally like you do. It just doesn’t work that way.
For example, if your dog’s leash gets caught around a pole, his instinct will tell him to keep pulling until he gets free. Don’t yell at him to go around the pole and untangle himself because no matter how much you yell, the dog doesn’t understand that kind of logic. The best thing to do would be to guide him with hand signals and a gentle tone of voice. With enough repetition, your dog will soon be able to untangle his leash without your help.
The Value Of Consistency
This also ranks among the most important dog obedience tips because consistency is the key to successful dog training. If you want to discourage your dog from jumping up on furniture, then you will have to issue a firm “NO” every time he makes a move to do so. Saying no at one time and then ignoring the behavior another time will send mixed signals to your dog; he may not understand which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Ask all other members of the household to be consistent about the dos and don’ts as well.
No matter what breed of dog you are planning to buy, these dog obedience tips should come in handy when you start obedience training. Just make sure that the training begins when the dog is still young, preferably seven to eight weeks old. Adult Dogs can still be taught, but the process is that little bit harder where they have picked up bad habits along the way. Remember as well that dog obedience training is a process that may take a while to complete, so you need to be very patient. With patience and consistency, you will surely be able to take full advantage of these dog obedience tips.